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  • What instruments do you teach?
    Our professional teachers offer tuition in: * Voice * Piano * Drums * Violin * Guitar / Bass Guitar
  • How much are lessons?
    Lessons will be: $50 per half hour (including GST) - Individual lessons $60 per half hour (including GST) - Group lessons (2-3 students). NOTE: Group lessons are an economical option we provide to allow families that have more than one child wanting to do music. If you'd like to partake in group lessons, but you intend on sharing the lesson with another family, you must arrange it with that family first before signing up. Individual lessons will be the default lesson type. Group lessons are NOT available for Piano and Drums as it is not practical.
  • Can I pay by the month?
    Yes. We can arrange to put you on a monthly payment plan.
  • How many lessons do we get per term?
    Depending on the length of the term, we try to schedule one lesson per week. On average, that means each child gets approximately 10 lessons per term.
  • Do we get a chance to perform in front of an audience?
    All students will get the opportunity to perform in front of a live audience at the end of Terms 2 and 4. In addition to this, some students may also be invited to perform their pieces at the various assemblies or partake in other ensembles that the school has formed.
  • What style of music can you teach?
    Pretty much all of them, including Pop, Rock, Jazz, Classical, Folk and Blues.
  • When are the lessons held?
    Lessons are generally undertaken during school hours. However, for the safety of our younger students, we schedule lessons for Preps, Grade 1 and Grade 2 students after hours so that they're not walking around the school by themselves during the day. Outside of school hours, parents are asked to take the children to their lessons.
  • How long are each lessons?
    Each lesson is 30 minutes long.
  • Is half an hour long enough of a lesson time for beginners?
    Yes. In the beginning the half hour gives the student a lot to practice at home. They could mentally cope with a longer lesson, but playing an instrument also involves a physical skill. To get the physical side down takes spaced repetition. In a half hour they will get enough material to be able to learn well and develop proper technique. As they progress, and at the advice of the teacher, you can go to a longer lesson time.
  • How much practice should my child do each week?
    We recommend a minimum of 15 minutes per day, six day’s per week. Although this is the absolute minimum recommendation, students will progress faster and remember more if they are able to practice more often. Short practice sessions done several times per day, every day, works out much better than longer practice sessions a few times per week. For young children, the practicing goes much better if the parent supervises.
  • Can I have a trial lesson?
    We recommend that your child has at least four (4) lessons to adequately determine if your child will like the instrument or is suited to another instrument. Unfortunately, these lessons are not free, and will be charged at the normal individual lesson rate. We have found that providing one (1) trial lesson is not enough time to determine such a life-changing decision as to which instrument will suit your child.
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